Time Stands Still (Written by Brett)

Two hearts join with eyes locked, love ensues.  Time stands still only for a moment, then begins again as 6 are born.

The eyes of a child look back on a father and mother with eyes locked.  Time stands still only for a moment.

You carry me in your arms; I am comfortable; I trust you completely. You push me in a swing, as I ask to go higher only to see if it’s possible to go all the way around. A ball is caught in my glove; I did it; we smile; our eyes lock.  Time stands still only for a moment.

We hike together up mountains, travel the world, and see stars from a telescope, as we dream of planets like ours. We work on a car; you tell me “sometimes if the first person can’t get it, the second person might.” A knuckle is cut on an engine block; our eyes lock; a bad word is said.  Time stands still only for a moment.

You visit me when I leave home and encourage me to do better. A woman looks at me; our eyes lock.  Time stands still only for a moment.

You tell me, “I better strike while the irons hot”.  We laugh….. but I listen…….

Two hearts join with eyes locked; love ensues.  Time stands still only for a moment, then begins again as 1 is born.

The eyes of a child look back on a father and mother with eyes locked.  Time stands still only for a moment.

We name you Logan Richard Jenks. We play motorcycle games, and you love being pushed on your horsey; you learn to stand.

Cancer strikes, as one mans journey of courage and determination begins. You begin to get weaker, but the fight never ends, as you get on your backhoe and knock things over. You eventually get off. Our eyes lock; you try to smile, as I look at you with disbelief.  Time stands still only for a moment.

You tell me a person’s true character is reflected by his words, his actions, and his deeds….. and I listen.  I carry you in my arms; you are comfortable; you trust me completely.

My father passed away on Sept 3rd 2010 at 4:30 in the morning but his spirit remains. The values he has instilled in me are love, happiness, honesty, integrity, courage, perseverance, respect, honor, compassion, determination, wonder, and faith. These are the values that I hope to instill in my own son, so he may be as great of a man as my father was.

Dad……. if you’re listening, we will travel the world again; we will see the stars together and dream of planets like ours; we will hike mountains together.  I will carry you there. I will see you again, our eyes will lock, we will smile.  Time will stand still for eternity.

I love you Dad.

Love Your son,


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